What Is NFTify? | NFTify
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What Is NFTify?

Son Vu
Son Vu
Fri, 27 May 2022 08:12
What is NFTify
Table of Contents

What is NFTify?


How Does NFTify Work?


Why NFTify?


Get Started With NFTify

One of the best ways to sell your NFTs right now is to sell them on popular NFT marketplaces such as OpenSea. And while this has been the profitable way for some, it’s not a sustainable way.


Among the emerging NFT creators, there are still the bigger ones who demand more than what current popular NFT marketplaces have to offer. They want their own branded NFT marketplace that is customizable, scalable, and doesn’t limit them in their NFT journey–and this is where NFTify comes in.


What is NFTify?

NFTify is The No.1 NFT Marketplace Solution where individual creators and businesses can build NFT stores, sell NFTs, and grow their NFT business. In terms of the number of features offered and the freedom that you can have with your NFT marketplace, it’s the current leading solution for anyone to try out.

Watch more: Create NFT Marketplace Within Minutes With NFTify


How Does NFTify Work?

Building an NFT marketplace from scratch might cost more than $110k and take up half a year, but with NFTify and our no-code solution, we help NFT businesses launch their own feature-packed & branded storefronts within minutes–all without any upfront costs.


You can think of NFTify as the all-in-one platform where NFT marketplaces are built.


With NFTify, you can get to create your own NFT store filled with touches of your own branding personality. And to take the complexities out of self-hosting your own NFT marketplace, we made sure that everything in your store is managed in one centralized dashboard to help you easily and efficiently oversee the smooth running operations of your NFT business.


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Why NFTify?

To better understand what NFTify is all about, it helps to visualize how NFTify helps you in the three steps of your NFT journey: build, sell, and grow.


1. Build your own branded NFT marketplace, in minutes

NFTify gets you started and builds NFT Store in minutes, and the end result is your own feature-packed Opensea that speaks to your brand personality.


📌  No-code, multi-chain integration

Building an NFT marketplace oftentimes requires the store owner to have a fair knowledge of blockchain and coding, or at least involve developers and designers to help out–but that’s not the case with NFTify. 


From registration to sales, we have made it easy to launch your marketplace without lifting a finger to write a single line of code, with various chains to choose from such as Ethereum, Polygon, and Binance Smart Chain.


📌  Limitlessly customizable

NFTify does its best to not get in your creative way by only providing you with the base theme, a few theme templates, and the necessary tools for you to go on. You can customize the theme—including color, font, layout, and logo—of your marketplace to speak your brand personality, and there’s no shortage of sections you can add to your homepage.


And after you have customized your storefront, you can also link your new NFT domain or existing domain name to your storefront, instead of opting for the default .nftify.network domain that comes with your store creation.

Using a custom domain in NFTify
Using a custom domain for your nft store

📌  NFT Bulk upload

Unlike other NFT marketplaces where you need to rely on 3rd-party tools to bulk upload your NFTs, bulk upload is a feature that’s built into NFTify, and you can upload hundreds of NFTs with ease.

With NFTify, you can list up to 1000 of NFTs for sale
With NFTify, you can list up to 1000 of NFTs for sale

If you already have an NFT collection or the needed digital files, building your store from scratch with NFTify shouldn’t take any more than a few minutes, as all you need to do is to import your existing collection from other NFT marketplaces or bulk upload your hundreds of NFTs, and you should be good to go.


2. Sell NFTs you actually own, in any way you want with NFTify

You can sell NFTs and total control over your NFTs, along with more ways to incentivize your buyers.

📌  Complete control over NFT collections

One of the most important things that NFT creators look for in an NFT marketplace is actual control over their NFT collections, but this unfortunately is a feature a lot of the current aggregated NFT marketplaces fail to provide. 


Control over one’s own NFT collection matters because it means that NFT creators can get to decide and set their own royalties for their smart contracts, and this means more ways to earn and more revenues for your NFT business.


And at NFTify, we recognize this need. The moment you create your NFT collections on NFTify, you have your separate smart contract, with complete control over your royalties, contract name, contract code, and everything.

Set your own royalties with NFTify
Set your own royalties with NFTify

📌  Pay with both cryptocurrencies and fiat money

And when it comes to payment methods, we currently support the following methods:

  • Native tokens
  • Custom tokens
  • Fiat

The first payment method—native tokens—enables payment inside your store to be made in our natively supported tokens in the platform, such as BNB/ETH/MATIC, N1, and stablecoins such as BUSD & USDT. For the majority of store owners, these natively supported tokens should be enough to satisfy their target audience.


If you want to, you can also add custom tokens to be used as in-store payment, and this means any of the currently available tokens on the market or even your own token.

Adding custom token in NFTify
Adding custom token in NFTify

The custom token is a feature that many of NFTify’s store owners find compelling because it offers a solution that’s currently not available on current NFT marketplaces, and for project owners, this could mean another way to drive up the liquidity and utility of their tokens with relatively little effort.


Having said that, a lot of people who are totally unfamiliar with crypto find it hard to transact in both native tokens and custom tokens, which is why here at NFTify, we offer fiat payment as well. Using their credit cards, buyers can either use the Moonpay-powered crypto top-up feature to add more crypto into their wallets, or check out directly with the Pay with Credit Card feature.

fiat payment nftify
Buyers can purchase NFTs with both cryptocurrencies and fiat money

📌  And to make your NFTs more attractive

Value-added, or value-add, is the special features and improvements that you add to a product in order to increase its value – and in NFTify, we offer various ways to incorporate more values into your NFTs.

With NFTify, you can make your NFTs more exclusive by reserving them to a specific list of buyers with whitelists, attaching real-life physical items to the purchases of your NFTs, or even using discount codes to boost your revenues. 


📌  Gasless transactions with Biconomy integration

On top of the lazy minting method provided by default to provide gas-free NFT creation, NFTify also partners with Biconomy to enable gasless transactions for your buyers. By this way, in-store transactions can be made more streamlined, which in turn results in a more simplified buying experience for NFT buyers.

Enable Biconomy NFTify
Enable Biconomy integration with an API key

The Biconomy integration also aligns with NFTify’s goal of making mass NFT adoption a reality, as with gasless transactions, buyers no longer have to worry – or even understand – about gas fees, and this means another entry barrier removed for newcomers to the NFT space.


3. Grow your business with built-in tools

Built into the NFTify platform are various tools and functionalities to help you scale up and grow your NFT business.


📌  Invite collaborators for your NFT Stores

Teamwork is important for the long-term growth of any business. Therefore, we have a collaborator feature that enables the addition of more artists to work with you on your store.


Even if you're not an artist, you can hire or collaborate with artists while you take care of the business aspect of your stores. As the main owner of the store, you can—at any point in time—choose to remove anyone from being a collaborator. 


With the collaborator permission setting, you will be able to define the specific actions that each collaborator is allowed to make in your store.

Managing permissions of collaborators
Managing permissions of collaborators

📌  Built-in Marketing Tools

Every NFT project needs adequate marketing to generate more awareness and ultimately, more revenue. With our built-in marketing tools, you should be able to find yourselves having all the tools at hand to achieve your business goals.


To help drive data-driven initiatives, these essential marketing tools can be added to your NFT store within minutes:

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Tag Manager
  • Facebook Pixel
  • Mailchimp integration

For example, integrating Google Analytics into your store requires only adding the necessary GTM code into your store:

Simply integrate Google Analytics by pasting in the tracking ID
Simply integrate Google Analytics by pasting in the tracking ID

Once it’s integrated, you’ll be able to see everything that happens in your store–from the nationality of each visitor, their browsing length, to your purchase conversion rates. 


Once you have enough data to work one, this could mean being able to make data-driven decisions such as which of your NFTs should you be pushing for more visibility, or which group of buyers should you be focusing more on.


In addition to analytic tools, you can also add your own blog page to communicate with and build your community and audience base or your own email marketing campaigns with our Mailchimp integration. 


As our platform grows, you can be assured that we also plan to keep stacking more tools in future updates.


Get Started With NFTify

NFTify is here to accelerate the NFT adoption process by providing any NFT enthusiast–from individual creators to established NFT businesses–with all the necessary tools & freedom they need to launch their own NFT stores. It’s an all-in-one platform where launching your own NFT marketplace has never been easier.


Start your NFT journey right now by launching an NFT marketplace that scales, for free!


Launch your own NFT marketplacee
Create a full-function NFT marketplace with limitless flexibility. We get you ready within hours, not days.
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Son Vu
Son Vu
Content Strategist
Son Vu is a passionate Content Strategist at NFTify. He likes listening to podcasts and is a geek.
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