NFT Mystery Box Is Live Now | Sprint 21 Announcement | NFTify
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NFT Mystery Box Is Live Now | Sprint 21 Release

Ly Dam
Ly Dam
Fri, 24 Jun 2022 15:49
NFT Mystery Box sprint 21 release
Table of Contents

What is an NFT Mystery Box?


Create NFT Mystery Boxes


Create Sell Orders


Mystery Box Page


Coming Up Next

One of the most highly-anticipated features, NFT Mystery Box, is officially released this sprint to help you infuse the element of surprise into your store! Without further ado, let’s get right to it!


What is an NFT Mystery Box?

Like the name suggests, NFT mystery box contains a random product that you can only know upon revealing it. Applying it to the NFT industry, an NFT Mystery box contains a random NFT from the series content that the seller put in, usually ranked in different rarity levels. 

This is an effective selling method that should be adopted by any NFT creators: giving buyers a shot at getting a super-duper rare NFT among common ones to make them buy now and buy more! 


Create NFT Mystery Boxes

Over in the app’s dashboard, mystery boxes can easily be created and managed. 

Let’s go to NFT > NFT Box > Create Box to start making some!


create nft mystery boxes

After customizing the design & details of the box, you need to add a series of NFTs to be randomized upon box revealing, also called Series Content. 

Remember, the less the quantity of an NFT is, the less probabilities it will appear.

Additionally, you can classify your NFTs into four NFT Mystery box ranks that NFTify has prepared: 

  • N (Normal)
  • R (Rare)
  • SR (Super Rare)
  • and SSR (Super Super Rare).
NFT Mystery boxed ranks


You can freely set the rank for your NFTs in the Mystery Box. 

On the other hand, the Total Issue Quantity and Probability will be automatically calculated based on the quantity.


Create Sell Orders

The process is no different from normal NFTs, as you can set the start & end time, along with the allowed date for box revealing. For more information, check out the complete guide to Sell Orders here.

Mystery Box Page

When the sell order is successfully created, you will notice a new page on your NFT marketplace’s header named “Mystery Boxes”. This is where all of your boxes are listed for sale.

Site visitors can buy then open your boxes - yes, boxes multiple - directly on this page. Afterward, the opened NFTs can also be resold on any marketplace, and maybe for a much higher price 😉

NFT Mystery Box Page


Coming Up Next

NFT Mystery Box is the great big thing we have for Sprint 21. In the upcoming Sprint, there will be a brand new integration that enables gasless transactions, along with support for fiat payment for stores on BNB & ETH. 


So don't forget to join our official Telegram group and look out for these updates!


Learn more


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Features Released
Ly Dam
Ly Dam
Digital Marketing Specialist
Ly is a Digital Marketer and SEOer at NFTify, curious about the humans behind the brands and the moments that motivate them to create.
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