NFT Hype Officially Hit Vietnam As Binz Releases His Debut Music NFT C | NFTify
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NFT Hype Officially Hit Vietnam As Binz Releases His Debut Music NFT Collection

Ly Dam
Ly Dam
Wed, 16 Mar 2022 16:35
binz nft collection
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Every day, musicians all around the world are leveraging NFTs to make more befitting revenues and also allow their fans to own their favorite music clips, covers, or tracks.


Today, 16th of March, the Vietnamese music industry took a new turn as Binz—a Vietnam-born rapper with a worldwide audience—launched the NFT collection of his new song "Don't Break My Heart" to his fans and investors. 


"Don't Break My Heart" is a long-anticipated jam ever since he released "Bigcityboi" around two years ago. 

Although Binz has been sharing the snippets of the song since the beginning of this month, he finally released it two days ago - the 14th of March. 


As of the moment of writing, "Don't Break My Heart" has over 2 million views on YouTube and is being widely streamed on all music streaming platforms. 


In making the song, he collaborated with the SpaceSpeakers - a Vietnamese community of young musicians and producers. Binz worked hand-in-hand with Touliver, the founder of the SpaceSpeakers to ensure that the music was delivered excellently. 


His debut NFT music collection comes in four tiers: gold, platinum, silver, and bronze. 


Each of these NFT cards has different perks. The holders of the gold cards will have a private live session with Binz and also collect merch.


Those who have the platinum cards will have private dining with the artist. 

In addition to these exclusive perks, there are two general perks for each of these tiers:


First, they will enable the buyers to have access to share in the royalties of the song. These royalties would be proportional to the percentage their NFTs represent. 


Secondly, all those who purchase these NFTs will have early access to future projects of Binz and other artists on Tuniver. 


At the moment, Binz's "Don't Break My Heart" NFT collection is available on both Tuniver and Binance NFT marketplace. While the prices of silver cards are fixed, gold and platinum are being auctioned. 


These are the current floor prices, of the cards, as of press time:

  • Silver cards: $99
  • Gold cards: $499
  • Platinum cards: $4,99 
binz nft collection price
inz's "Don't Break My Heart" NFT collection


With Binz opening the floor of music NFTs in Vietnam, there are chances that this could be the beginning of the music trend for artists in Vietnam. 


Binz's NFT drop is setting the right standard in the budding Vietnamese music NFT space as it offers robust real-life NFT utilities to the fans as they can have exclusive access to Binz. 


Similarly, sharing attractive royalties with the fans will also become a source of passive income for them as they would be receiving some percentages whenever the NFTs are traded. 


Indeed, these solid utilities will drive the increase in demand and value of the NFT collection over time. 


On this note, we would like to express our excitement at NFTify towards Binz's NFT music collection. 


As a Vietnamese-led NFT platform, NFTify would love to support more Vietnamese music artists to start taking control of the distribution of their music and create more rewarding connections with their fans by launching their music NFTs in their own branded NFT marketplace


Are you a Vietnamese artist who wants to create and sell your music as NFTs? 

Click here to build your store now.

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Ly Dam
Ly Dam
Digital Marketing Specialist
Ly is a Digital Marketer and SEOer at NFTify, curious about the humans behind the brands and the moments that motivate them to create.
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