The First Catwalk NFT Photography Marketplace with Renata Hamikus | NFTify
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The First Catwalk NFT Photography Marketplace with Renata Hamikus

Ly Dam
Ly Dam
Wed, 13 Jul 2022 11:28
Renata Hamikus NFT creator story
Table of Contents

"It is time to change the way we perceive talent and now with the help of the NFTs, the community has the power to decide what kind of talent they want to see in the world."


Visit her NFT Photography marketplace at:


And all it took was an original idea for Renata to launch her own catwalk NFT marketplace. 

In this episode of our Creator Stories series, we meet up with Renata Hamikus, an NFT entrepreneur and model in Hungary, to talk about her Catwalk NFT Marketplace — which is the first NFT marketplace of its kind.


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Creator Stories
Ly Dam
Ly Dam
Digital Marketing Specialist
Ly is a Digital Marketer and SEOer at NFTify, curious about the humans behind the brands and the moments that motivate them to create.
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