A Posthumous NFT Artwork Memoir With Carl Cleanthes | NFT Creator | NFTify
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A Posthumous NFT Art Memoir With Carl Cleanthes | NFT Creator Stories

Son Vu
Son Vu
Mon, 06 Jun 2022 04:40
Carl Cleanthes Creator Stories
Table of Contents

The idea that I could tell little stories on each piece of my dad’s art while sharing my dad’s work,” says Carl Cleanthes, “and that it is permanently immortalized on the blockchain is really exciting to me.


And that was where it all started. 

In this episode of our Creator Stories series, we have Carl Cleanthes aka Colorful Carl, a lifelong artist, entrepreneur, and nature enthusiast with his posthumous NFT artworks memoir project.


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Creator Stories
Son Vu
Son Vu
Content Strategist
Son Vu is a passionate Content Strategist at NFTify. He likes listening to podcasts and is a geek.
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