NFTify CEO Talk | Message from our CEO Nikita Ngan Nguyen | NFTify
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NFTify CEO Talk | Message from our CEO Nikita Ngan Nguyen

Dung Ho
Dung Ho
Fri, 11 Jun 2021 09:44
Message of NFTify CEO
Table of Contents

Dear NFTify Investors and Community,


We understand the current unstable market conditions have caused a lot of chaos. However, the market correction we are experiencing is part of the growth and maturation of the crypto economy. Valuations are falling in line with intrinsic market value as more real-world utility is introduced to crypto and NFT space. These developments will bring long-term stability to this new monetary system accessible to everyone in the world.


During market downturns, fear-mongering is rampant. Yet the frequent comparisons to the crypto winter fall short. Crypto markets have greatly matured since 2018. That market downturn began with a regulatory crackdown that sent shutters through global crypto markets. But the evolving global regulatory regime is one of the developments that has brought necessary stability to crypto markets.


Diversification is another. The top 200 cryptocurrency tokens are slowly gaining a larger percentage of market share from Bitcoin and Ethereum. Crucially, stable coins, designed to have a stable value and reduce volatility, are making up a growing share of the cryptocurrency market.


NFTs are becoming another important component of diversified crypto investment portfolios, and not only as collectibles. What started out as an art and collectibles craze has evolved into an important risk management tool. NFTs are diversifying crypto portfolio risk, lowering liquidity risk in token offerings, and comprising new index funds that help investors to hedge price risk.


Next-generation infrastructure is playing a big role in creating more vibrant crypto markets. Major upgrades to blockchain protocols are improving speed, scalability, and interoperability. Interoperability means you can sell your NFTs in more markets, more broadly diversify your crypto and NFT holdings, invest in deeper and more liquid NFT markets, and use new NFT products to combine Defi, gaming, and other elements.


NFTify is one of the important NFT infrastructure projects (a platform project) designed to introduce more liquidity and stability to the NFT market. By providing NFT shops with an advanced e-commerce platform, they can concentrate marketing power, streamline revenues, and more efficiently leverage assets in capital markets such as lending. NFTify’s AI Services is reducing the biggest investment risk in collectibles markets, fraud, and forgeries, through its copyright and attribute search services.


Building new infrastructure takes time. Ethereum 2.0 is not being built in a day but instead upgraded in stages over years, neither was any other long-lasting successful projects.


We believe in our vision, and trust that you also see it. It’s going to take some time to build the infrastructure to power the NFT e-commerce economy. So if all of us here, as the pioneers in this space, don’t believe in our mission, who will?


We are continuously working on the product development front and gearing up a massive PR and marketing campaign to create a vibrant community of real-world use cases on NFTify.


As always, we are very grateful for your support on our journey.

Nikita Nguyen



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Dung Ho
Dung Ho
Content Creator
Dung Ho is a Content Creator at NFTify. She likes running, going on long walks and have a small coffee addiction
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