NFT Collection Creation Is Now Live On NFTify | NFTify
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NFT Collection Creation Is Now Live On NFTify | Sprint 7 Release

Son Vu
Son Vu
Thu, 09 Sep 2021 09:44
NFT Collection Creation
Table of Contents

New features released


Our upcoming features


Special event: Best-looking store contest

Dear community,

Today, we announced many new exciting, and unique features that are officially LIVE on our platform.


New features released

1. WalletConnect support:

WalletConnect is another wallet option besides Metamask, giving store owners more flexibility to choose their preferred wallet. Besides, any crypto wallets which support WalletConnect can also be used in NFTify. To connect to the store, you use the WalletConnect app on your mobile to scan the QR code provided by NFTify.


2. NFT collection creation

NFTify now allows users to deploy a separate contract to create a collection instead of using the default contract of NFTify platform. 

From the separate contract, users can mint multiple NFT items to make their own collection. This collection, by dint of separate contract, makes users become the valid owner of their NFT items, helping them actively manage and track their NFT. 

Thus, they do not have to worry about any loss or damage related to their collection as they are the true controller of their assets.

NFt Collection listing


3. Adding metadata for NFT

Store owners now can add attributes to NFT to better describe the NFT items including properties, levels, stats, boosts, and date.


4. Enhance customized theme

In the customization setting for the store, users have some new functions:

  • Adjust logo size in the heading section.
  • Select section layout rules such as the grid or slider displaying, or change the number of items displaying per row and number of rows for content.
  • Add a section or remove a section in the website menu.

5. Set the primary domain for the store

This feature allows store owners who have multiple domains to set which domain is the primary one. So, even when the users click the second domain, it will direct users to the link of the primary domain.


6. Japanese language support

NFTify now also supports Japanese, aside from English as the default language. This feature helps the Japanese user to engage actively and discover the NFTify platform without language barriers. 

NFTify is also one of a few NFT platforms in the world that support the Japanese language.


Our upcoming features

1. Resell NFT

The store owner can set their NFTs to “resell mode”, allowing buyers who buy their NFTs can resell them to other buyers.

*Updated: Resell NFT feature has been released - Guide: Resell a NFT


2. Cancel an NFT Offering

For the NFT items that are put on sale, the seller can cancel them anytime they want.

*Updated: Cancel Sell Order feature has been released - Guide: Cancel an Offer


3. View secondary transaction

The store owner also can view all the re-sell activities of their NFT items. 

As store owners will get the royalty commission for each time their NFT item is resold, it will be convenient for them to see the total revenue of royalty they get and the history of transactions from all the resell activities.


Special event: Best-looking store contest

Many beautifully-designed stores have launched on our platform. We want our community to decide which one looks the BEST!

You can VOTE now via:

1 Grand prize of $200 for the Store with the highest vote.

Voting opens on September 30th, 2021

*Updated: The event has been completed


Build and launch your NFTify store TODAY to enjoy fantastic rewards!:



Features Released
Son Vu
Son Vu
Content Strategist
Son Vu is a passionate Content Strategist at NFTify. He likes listening to podcasts and is a geek.
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